Saturday, April 25, 2009


don was a really giving person......really unselfish. and he wasn't even a relative of mine, but he actually cared about the people he worked with, and he became a friend, even if i didn't get the full impact of it at the time..........i just depended on him so much.........every single physical problem i had.....that doctors didn't know a thing about and couldn't fix.........he could..........i had a badly sprained ankle that wouldn't heal for 7 months, and don knew exactly what was wrong, and after working with him, it was stronger than before the sprain. and i think i would have been an invalid as far as my back, if i didn't know don. and he had such a mind-body way of working, it was really incredible. i wish he could have seen me "grow up," the way i've been doing lately........i was more immature when i knew him. he didn't baby me at all, and could be pretty tough, probably because he realized i wanted to take the easy way out a lot, but he was able to talk about things, and be tolerant when we talked. i really miss don, and i still can't believe he's gone. don........i loved you, even if i couldn't have told you that when you were alive, but i hope it's not too late to say it. were a good person. is the food good where you are? i bet it's good.......because you're in a great place now.........requiem aeternam, don, requiem aeternam. i'm going to play faure's requiem for you now so you'll have some lovely music, too, where you are.

love to dance.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Don Farnworth - Ballet Master, Teacher, Friend

This photo was one I obtained from Don's personal collection and shows Don teaching a ballet class in NYC. I am not sure about the date of this photo and I don't know the identities of any of his students shown but the "Farnworth Technique" is still being taught in NYC by one of Don's dedicated students (Cynthia Vallone) who I was lucky enough to contact just today and catch up on some memories of Don.